Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I haven't posted in forever. Eight months. Excatly. And I finally had enough time to post. Anyway, so this is whats happened:

I was gone almost all of summer on vacation. And the short amount of time that I was here, I was doing homework and working on projects around the house.

I can't remeber much of last school year, the five or six months I didn't cover, so that's all being skipped over.

So school ended, and now its back up again. Boooooooooooooooooooo........

Ridiculous classes I'm taking: Acc. Analysis, Acc. Physics, APUSH (Advanced Placement United States History), German 2, Acc. English... and then health.

Anywho, I say BJ's post and decided it was time for me to bring my blog back to life two.

*Begins voodoo magic*

*Evil Laughing*


It is reborn!

Back to Poltics, the orginal purpose of this blog:

First of all, Palin sucks. I hate that the media is giving here so much attention when she doesn't deserve it. "I can see Russia from my house!" (SNL, actually it was "You can see Russia from land in Alaska"). BUT ANWAY, WTF! She's sooooooooooo dumb. "Abistence is the only way! IGNORE THAT MY 17 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS PREGANT! DONT TEACH SEX ED IN SCHOOLS! IT DOESN'T WORK!" Yeah..... "OF COURSE I CAN LEAD THE USA WITH A SPECIAL NEEDS KID AND A PREGNANT DAUGHTER! I'M JUST LIKE YOU, A HOCKEY MOM!" Yeah ok.... WTF! First of all, most republicans live to far south for hockey rinks, so no you're not just like them. And no, you cannot lead the USA with a child with special needs. THATS A FULL TIME JOB. And now for the sexism: I don't want a woman president. Don't care if its Hillary, Palin, or my Mom. They're all far to emotion. We don't need a president that's going to break down in tears when Russia threatens them. Role playing time!

Russia: "We will bomb California if you don't leave Iraq!"
Palin: "Oh no please! Please, I'm so sorry! I'll give you anything!" *cries*......

Ya it doesn't work...

Okay well this is starting to get kinda long so I'm gonna finish this up, I'll type out the rest this weekend maybe.

But above, I'm not saying I support the Iraq war. In fact, I'm very much against it. Its a conspiracy for OIL!

Well that's it. Next time I'll cover: Oil Conspiracies related to Hurricanes, racism, trash McCain, trash Palin some more, make points I don't like about Obama and Biden, make myself look racist and sexist and like a total "elitist", how much school sucks, amazing death metal bands, slipknot, bands selling out, and of course....

that guy's hillarous

and a few more Bush jokes before his terms over!


my blog is reborn! still working on layout and all that, give me a few weeks to get it all cleaned up......